Baptism is the first sacrament of welcoming or initiation into the Christian faith. It occurs by the power of the Holy Spirit and through the pouring on or immersing in water as the priest or deacon proclaims, “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Through this action, the person is cleansed from all sin including original sin, reborn as a child of God, and welcomed into the Body of Christ, our Church. In baptism, we receive the Holy Spirit and also become co-workers with Christ in his ministry on earth as priest, prophet and king.

What do you ask of God’s Church?

Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?

We are so very happy for you as you give thanks to our heavenly Father for the gracious gift of your child!

Baptism is both a great gift and a great task. God makes us to be, through the waters of baptism, His own adopted sons and daughters. This is the great gift. But with this gift comes a great task, a great responsibility: to live and act as His sons and daughters. This, clearly, is no small thing and requires His help all throughout our lives.

In addition, to you as parents, a most serious responsibility is entrusted, that you will train your child in the practice of the faith. On the day of your child’s baptism some wondrous, solemn and serious words are spoken to you. Part of the purpose of the baptismal preparation classes are to help clarify what these words truly mean. Much as when a couple is married, you will soon speak words before God, each other and your parish family. It is our experience, unfortunately, that for many parents baptism becomes merely a ceremony without a profound awareness and understanding of what is truly expected of them. To help you better prepare for this celebration, then, we invite you to participate in a Baptismal Preparation session, so that you can with great joy and ever fuller understanding answer a resounding “Yes!” to all the questions that will be asked of you.

If you would like to learn more about Baptism for your child please call (920) 739-0331 or email Deacon Mike Eash.