We are grateful for the financial support of our parishioners and guests. We strive to be good stewards of the gifts entrusted to our care and do our best to use our resources wisely to further the work of God in the Church.
Financial stewardship is easier than ever with our online giving option WeShare. Get the convenience and flexibility to make donations at any time, from any location, while benefiting the church because of your faithfulness. Other giving options, including Direct Deposit and weekly envelopes are outlined below.
Secure, fast, and easy-to-use! It works just like paying an online bill. You can make one-time or recurring donations using your debit card, credit card, checking, or savings account. You can choose different amounts, timing, and methods of payment for different collections including your regular Weekly/Monthly Offering of Parish Support, Faith Formation Tuition, Youth Mission Trips, Special Collections, Parish Events, and More!
There’s NO cost to you to participate in the WeShare online giving program.
Get started today by following these 3 easy steps:
1. Go to the WeShare online giving portal
2. Set up your account (you will need your bank account and routing number and/or credit card number).
3. Choose your payment option and giving amount.
It's easy to give from your checking or savings. Just complete the Direct Deposit Authorization Form and return it the parish office, along with a voided check. We will set-up and initiate the monthly transfer…there's nothing more you need to do!
Weekly Offering envelopes can be placed in the collection basket at any weekend Mass or dropped off at the parish office. To receive offering envelopes, please contact the parish office at 920-739-0331.
You can also support the parish through:
Qualified Charitable Donations from an IRA
Stocks and mutual funds - make your donation through the Catholic Foundation at: https://www.catholicfoundationgb.org/donate-stock/
Gifts to our Endowment Fund
Legacy giving, such as trusts and bequests
Memorial giving to honor of a family member in a special way
Many employers offer corporate matching gifts too
If you're interested in interested these or another way of giving, please contact Barb or Deacon Dave - let's see what we can do together!