Do you have a knack for teaching and/or are good with children? Then join one of our many Education & Formation ministries
and help teach our children about the Catholic Faith!
Whether it’s on online study, bible study, faith sharing group or book study, small group leaders are critical to the spiritual formation of fellow adults. As a leader or co-leader you bring group members into the presence of the Holy Spirit by directing journeys into the mysteries of God’s Word, the elements of Truth in this world, and the life stories of other people. If you love people and the Church then this is the ministry for you! No experience necessary. Materials and training are provided.
Catechists are the backbone of our faith formation program. Each week he or she reviews the lesson plans ahead of time and prepares to teach their grade level’s material. Commitment includes preparation time and Wednesday evening classes either from 4:30-5:45 or from 6:30-7:45. A catechist is anyone who loves Jesus and wishes to pass their faith on to the next generation. All catechists must complete a background check and safe environment workshop.
Bulletin Board helpers are given a basic idea or topic and then asked to prepare an eye-catching creation for bulletin boards using materials provided by the Faith Formation department. If you have a creative flair and are looking for a ministry to do on an as needed basis, then this is for you!
Faith Formation Classroom Aides support the Catechist who leads the lesson. Various duties may include helping students with cutting, writing, or paying attention as well as reading a book to the class.
Office aides help answer phones, record attendance, prepare materials for classes, and open the door for late arrivals during Faith Formation classes or anytime during the week that assistance is needed.
“J.A.M.” time takes place on Sundays (September through May) during the 10:00 am Mass. Children age 4-7 are invited to leave the congregation for a short time during the Liturgy of the Word to go out and hear the Word of God proclaimed and explained at their level. All volunteers must complete a background check and safe environment workshop.